Cicciolina Ilona Staller Ilona Staller, better known by her stage name Cicciolina, has a multifaceted history that spans across entertainment and politics, marked by her distinctive approach to both. Born on November 26, 1951, in Budapest, Hungary, Staller’s journey to international...
Ilona Staller, widely known by her stage name Cicciolina, is a Hungarian-Italian former porn star, singer, and politician, whose career has spanned several decades and has made her a controversial and iconic figure in both the entertainment industry and politics. Born...
“La liceale nella classe dei ripetenti” (1978) – An Italian comedy film where she had a minor role. “Ilona Staller” (1979) – A film named after her, highlighting her as the central figure. “Cicciolina Amore Mio” (1979) – One of her...